Silje Nordnes: – P3morgen-Silje confirms her new boyfriend


Profile of the radio Silje Nordnes (33 years old) has heard several times about her love life during the radio program "P3morgen", among other things about failed retirement meetings and brides.

During Monday's mission, she had a meeting with radio classics Ronny Brede Aase and Markus Neby, both absent in recent weeks. Because of this, she came up with a private disclosure.

– There have been a few things that I think it would be good to point out. First point: I stopped sniffing. Second point: December 12, I will drive. I ordered an alley. And last point: I have my boyfriend. I am a happy guy, or "dudette", she said during the expedition.

When Dagbladet met Nordnes at the premiere of the new NRK program "Earth around Six Stages" on Monday night, she confirmed that love was flourishing.

– Yes, I have my boyfriend. I chose to talk about it because I found it fun to tell what had happened while Ronny and Markus were gone, even though it was not really new to them, she said, adding:

"It's a personal program, where we share a lot about ourselves, so it's a bit weird if we do not talk about my life," she says.

She explains that she still does not want to identify who she is going out and that she does not want to share more details.

HAPPY DUO: Silje Nordnes and radio listener Ronny Brede Aase gathered at the first celebration of the NRK program
Happy duo Silje Nordnes and her radio colleague Ronny Brede Aase got together on the first night of the NRK program "Earth in Six Steps". The duo is included in the program. Photo: Andreas Fadum
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Held the hidden stopover for six years

The profile of the radio has been the focus of attention on several occasions. In the 2016 Oslo Christmas book, she spoke frankly about the first time she realized that she was a lesbian.

The text revealed that she was aware that she loved girls on a grade one day while she was in class and that she was looking at one of the other girls.

"The time was to deny, deny, deny, I was uncertain and it was natural.There was such a violation of who I thought I was," she said in the Christmas book.

The 33-year-old added that she had always been passionate about boys and the "classic" love between man and woman. As a teenager, she tried to ignore this idea and she continued to meet boys for whom she tried to fall.

It took several years before that changed.

"One day, I met a girl who was interested in me and I had feelings for her.Then this part of me became too big to stay hidden.After six years, I I went out, "she said.

BREAK THE GAME: A hysterical video of Silje Nordnes and the director of the P3 program, Live Nelvik, became very popular during the P3 campaign in 2013. In 2014, the guys did the same. Video: NRK / P3 Show more
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Gets praise for opening

It was not the first time Silje Nordnes opened up to the challenge of feeling different. In an interview with Avisa Nordland in 2014, she said that special periods for youth were demanding, but that the frankness of her doctrine could help others.

– The feeling of standing out can be difficult. I've also experienced this after leaving Hamarøy after high school. Sometimes I have to remember how it was. I often receive letters from people who are in the same situation. They say that my openness helped them. That's fine, she told me that moment.

After the cruel shooting at Florida's Pulse Family School two and a half years ago, 49 people were killed. Nordnes shared his deep despair in the studio "P3morgen":

"He is allowed to go to a club, shoot a lot of people, kill a lot of homs, but the same ones are not allowed to give blood to those who are injured." So that's … I know it's like …

In addition, Nordnes made it clear that she knew perfectly well the feeling "that she has not known for a very long time".

"What a feeling," asked his colleague Ronny Brede Aase.

"It's a feeling that it might be best if I'm not what I am if you understand," Nordnes told the studio as tears shook.

After the touching clip spread like a fire in the dry grass in social media, the profile of the radio told Dagbladet that the whole answer was overwhelming.

"Most people say that they recognize themselves in the sense of helplessness and that they are happy to say something," wrote Silje Nordnes in an e-mail.

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