Sing forbidden songs from "the most unique scene in the world"


  HULE: In the Kirkhelleren on the island of Sanna in the municipality of Träna, Seniory Beard Moddi plays songs from his album
HULE: In the sanctuary of the church of Sanna in the municipality of Træna, Seniory plays Moddi songs from his album "Unsong" [19659003] Photo: KLAUDIA LECH, VG



TRÆNA (VG) Moddi Pål Knutsen held his first concert under the name of Moddi artist at the Wood Festival in 2007. This year he was back for the fifth time and sang forbidden songs.

– It's an honor to play at Kirkhelleren, without a doubt the most unique scene in the world.

In a cave in the woods of Sanna, one of the islands belonging to the municipality of Træna the Træna Festival has targeted the annual concert on stage

In the same trench, it is the found a fisherman who approaches 9000 years in time, not e who makes the tree of the oldest fishing village of Norway, according to the websites of the municipality .

Read more of VG festival cover this summer . Further down in the article, you can see the preview of the VG festival

Prohibited songs

Moddi does not count on how many concerts he has played in Træna since the first time in 2007, but think it's about 15 pieces, divided into five different

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This time the singer of the album Unsongs of 2016 was performed

The album deals with twelve forbidden and censored texts of twelve different

– The project began with a song that the performer Birgitte Grimstad was to interpret during a tour in Israel in 1982. She refused to interpret the song and thus failed for 32 years. When I discovered this song four years ago, it was the starting point for the whole project, he told VG after the concert.

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The project takes him on a trip to several countries to search for forbidden songs

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For Moddi, the project is not the only special with the concert. It's also the concert itself.

– Personally, it's very special because I played my first concert as Moddi at the Wood Festival. Then I played on a stage that faced the Kirkhelleren, and I thought "goodbye to a place". So, personally, it's huge to play here.

He also believes that it is important that the project plays a popular music festival.

– These are songs that are not picked up by radio or festivals. Therefore, it will be a very big recognition of the whole project. It's also the second concert we do with Unsongs.

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