Siri Kalvig: – Therefore, she will not come back to work


Siri Kalvig (47) is definitely finished as "Siri Weather". Now she will think even bigger with a focus on energy and the environment. She recently became CEO of Nysnø Klimainvesteringer AS

The Storm Entrepreneur quickly became one of the country's most famous women when she broke through as a weather detector in 1992. [19659004] During her interview with Dagbladet magazine, the 47-year-old told her that she realized relatively quickly that astrophysical job opportunities were limited and that she jumped at the Institute of Geophysics at the University of Bergen

– The work of TV 2 has affected everything I have done since. There was a very good pioneer in there.

Would work with "The Big Bang"

She had big early career dreams.

She had a career early in her career. 19659004] – I would work with astrophysics. Why are we here, where do we come from, where are we going, The Big Bang? – Big questions, she says to Dagbladet

Now she is taking a new job with great responsibility. Nysnø Klimainvesteringer AS's mission is to make investments directly or indirectly contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

According to Dagbladet, Siri's job is to direct Nysnø Klimainvesteringer AS formerly known as Fornybar AS.

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Lead of his own voice

As chairman of the government investment fund Fornybar AS, Siri is headquartered in Stavanger. It's good because it's there that she lives with her husband Kjell-Erik Østdahl, the girls Sara (19 years old), Silje (15 years old), Lilly (6 years old) and the dog Tinka

In 2014, they paid 20 million for the dream house of Eiganes in Stavanger. It was then the most expensive residence of Stavanger.

In a previous interview with Dagbladet Pluss, she stated that she had deliberately withdrawn from the scene

The case continues further down.

CRITERIA: Eli Kari Gjengedal, head of the weather program, sends from Croatia this week and gets important media coverage after this interview. Video: TV 2
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– I was so told that I was finally tired of my own voice and repeating myself. I had a huge need to renew the stuff. I wanted to do a doctorate for a long time, but I did not want to say it loud and clear.

Although she claims that she had dizziness when she was going to school, she has now written a doctoral thesis on wind energy and the effect waves on wind turbines at sea.

But having a lot of knowledge on a theme is not always good enough for the television industry. She remembers the extreme attention she had paid to the beginning of the televisual career

– Yes, much bigger than I understood. It was a little exotic with a female weather detector that had shiny hair and had done well, says Kalvig to Dagbladet

ALSO READ: Now, Katarina Flatland is married [19659025] That's not to say that weather detectors on television ” data-srcset=”// 640w, // 1024w, // 320w” src=”″/>

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