Six homes evacuated after a forest fire – a person sent to the hospital – NRK Hordaland – Local News, TV and Radio


The Sagvåg fire on Stord was arrested, police reported around midnight. They say firefighters and civil defense will continue after dark. Police officers are investigating the city's investigation and claim that one person has been accused of firing a rocket into the area where the fire began.

The Stord Fire Department was evacuated six days in Sagvåg on Friday night after it exploded on the ground. Naudetatane received a message about what started as a fire just before the 21st.

Police announced at 11:00 pm that the fire department is about to control the fire. In total, six houses were evacuated

– Firefighters seem to control the fire. A possible spread will surely descend to the sea. There is wind and smoke rising, Operations Chief Victoria Hillwall informs the Southwest Police District just above 11 pm

Craggy and hilly terrain [19659006 The fire will begin in the vicinity of Stokkavegen.

  Sagvåg Forest Fire

RØYK: The Fire Department was about to take control of the fire around 11 pm

Photo: 03030 Tips

– The Last message to 23.10 is that the crew has a lot of control, says the guardian Steinar Eilertsen in the 110th district in Haugesund

The message at 22 o'clock was that a steep and rugged area of ​​100×200 meters was on fire. The crew attacked the flames from several places, until they had enough control to spread in the direction of the sea.

– It was dry for a moment, and the glow will be worn out. It's our eleven men taking turns, and I'll use what I have and the Civil Protection crew to watch over at night, "says Eilertsen.

Police say more young people should have fled. A person was sent to the hospital after smoking.

After the NRK has been informed, the fire must begin after fighting fires as part of a party.

– I still can not say enough about the cause of the fire, says the chief of the operation Hillvegg

Firemen pumping the seawater to extinguish the flames that were burning vegetation between Stokkavegen and Fitjarvegen. ..

FIRE: Fire in Sagvåg, east of Stord Airport, on Friday night.

Pumping of seawater through the garden

Terje Aarre just returned from vacation when he started burning in the field just steps from the house. On Friday night, he caught a fire hose in the garden.

– Dei pumps the seawater. I see the balcony fire. It burns slightly at the top of a bunch, but they seem to have taken control of this side of the heap, he returns to the NRK at 22.

He points out that the situation as he sees it n & rsquo; Is not dramatic.

– The fire is about 150 meters in line from the house, but it spreads in the other direction. For our part, he is sure, he explains.

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