Skyrim still plays millions of millions every month


In its nearly seven years, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has been launched in countless editions and on a bunch of platforms. The list of portages still expanding the game has become a popular joke among fans, what Bethesda claimed when the developer launched Skyrim for Alexa at this year's E3 show

Skyrim is presented on a platform constantly growing. 19659004] Despite the many jokes about Skyrim on the fridge, the toaster and what it may be, the fact is that the 2011 role-playing game is still very popular. At the Gamelab event that took place in Barcelona last week, Bethesda's boss, Todd Howard (via VentureBeat), told Skyrim that he had a base of several million players active

– seven years later, millions of players play skyrim each month. That's why we continue to publish it. If you want us to stop giving it, you will have to stop buying it. "

Skyrim is now available for PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch.Also, there are VR editions for the PlayStation VR, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, as well Very Special edition mentioned above for Alexa Did we forget something?

Elder Scrolls VI on the way

Although the new versions continue to be a winner for Bethesda, the studio is also thinking of the # The future of the Elder Scrolls series Just a few months ago, the official unveiling of The Elder Scrolls VI came with a short trailer

Other than that, it's on the way, we Until now, one can only guess at things like liberation, platforms and the game part of the global Elder Scrolls.

Bethesda also unveiled a new game on E3
Starfield suffices even many years "

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