Sky's bidding war continues – Fox's new foul


Fox's latest offer on the 61 percent of Sky that they do not own raises to 24.5 billion pounds, or about 265 billion dollars.

The offer is surprising as it was reported that Murdoch had abandoned the fight for Sky, the company he founded when Comcast launched a $ 237 billion bid in April.

Sky has 22 million cable television customers in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria and Italy. Century Fox already owns just over 39% of Sky and also owns Fox News and Hollywood studio FX

Comcast owns NBC and a number of other television channels, and is also a major telecommunications operator in the United States -United. Until now, it is unclear whether they will offer a new offer after Fox lifts the charge.

British competition authorities have been skeptical of allowing Fox to take control of Skydock. British media landscape. Murdoch controls the biggest British newspaper The Sun, as well as The Times.

According to The Guardian, however, authorities have opened that Fox can buy Sky if they sell Sky News.

(© NTB)

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