So Thomas reacted to being destroyed by the Hunt-Gudrun


Thomas "The Dane" Kongstad (40), in Monday's love research program, was destroyed by Gudrun Austli, 38, who chose Vegar Valbø (31) from Drangedal.

Uncertain carrier

Gudrun flirted and shared juicy kisses to Vegar and Thomas this fall, but the choice was that expected by Thomas.

"It was not a surprise on my part, I knew from the start that the choice would be Vegar, but she clearly saw my values ​​since the choice was so difficult.It was sad not to be able to believe that I could I plant in the yard, says Thomas to TV 2.

KJÆRESTER: Gudrun Austli chose Vegar Valbø in his last election in pursuit of love. Photo: TV 2.
KJÆRESTER: Gudrun Austli chose Vegar Valbø in his last election in pursuit of love. Photo: TV 2.

The wreck Thomas

It became a very moving moment when Gudrun shared with Thomas his feelings and thoughts on the two topics of the program. She told him that she did not dare bet on both despite good chemistry.

"I think you're a nice guy and you're really all that I'm looking for, but I'm afraid you're not having a long time on the farm," said Gudrun, referring Thomas program.

Sorry and good answer

After sending the show, Thomas has received many responses from viewers and many believe that Gudrun has misplaced his place. He also received a number of feries.

– Time goes by for me. You should never forget that love can hit you when you least expect it and from places you did not think possible, "says Thomas.

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