Soon Hellblade: Sacrifice of Senua comes in a full VR version


Ninja Theory has now announced that its critically acclaimed Hellblade title: Senua's Sacrifice comes in its own VR version. Owners of Oculus Rift and HTC Vive will be able to play the VR version from July 31st, so it's not long.

For players who have already purchased Hellblade on Steam, the VR version of the game will be free download on the platform. Those who will pick up the game on Steam after July 31 will receive the VR version at the time of purchase. A video where the developer tells the work on the new version of the game, see the top of the article.

Photo: The Ninjas Theory

Was Made Of Curiosity

The developer points out that this is not a shortened VR experience, but the full game in an "autonomous" VR edition.

According to Ninja theory the VR edition was made out of curiosity and to learn more about the technology, and not for commercial reasons, which may mean that we can see more VR content from the developer in the future.

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice was generally well received when it came out last summer, and our critic was particularly excited about the game.

– I am grateful for the trip I made with Senua. He was beautiful, terrible and – despite the divine – real. I've never played a game like Hellblade because the way it uses the psychological horror and horror, providing a glimpse of hope while perfecting the fight, is fabulous , wrote our review, which reached 10 points out of 10.

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