Fallout 76 will be announced in November, but as it should seem, we should have the opportunity to test the game before that date. At the official Bethesda forum, the publisher has officially announced the beta version of Fallout 76.
Beta will begin in October, but has not yet a more concrete date. It should be noted that this specific beta will only be available for those who have pre-ordered the game.
will develop against the launch
Bethesda writes on the forum that the beta will increase to The game launch scale, which means that only a small group will be selected for the test in the first place. The studio insists however that any pre-ordered person will be able to access it.
Owners of Xbox One first have access to the beta version, and the PC and PlayStation 4 versions will follow at a later date. Specific dates for different platforms are not yet available.
Fallout 76 will differ significantly from other Fallout games in the way the game becomes a single multiplayer title where players will meet for battle or cooperation. The map of the game will be much larger than the map of Fallout 4, and will include the base building as a key element
Read also: In Fallout 76, you will only meet as other players . ] require.config ({
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