Steve's Big Short & # 39; Eisman bets against Tesla –


Steve Eisman became known after being featured in the book "The Big Short", as directed by Adam McKay in 2015 to present feature films. When Eisman worked for the Frontpoint Partners hedge fund in 2007, he was one of the few to oppose banks and earn a lot of money on the collapse of the crisis. credit and real estate in the United States

– Elon Musk is a very, very intelligent man, but there are many intelligent people in this world and it must be completed. It's hard to implement, "said Eisman in an interview with Bloomberg Television.

– He's not involved in self-propelled cars as far as I know, and next year he'll have A big competition, he says. "Neurberger Berman Group, the fund manager, says the Tesla stock price will decline over time, known as" shorting. "It joins the range of Tesla's skeptics. which have made the electric car manufacturer one of the most short-term companies in the world.

Eisman points out that the number of top executives who have left the company is worrying.

Director has much more confidence in established car manufacturers and makes General Motors (GM) its favorite because of GM's "cruising" business that develops self-propelled systems.

Results Presentation Wednesday

Merc redi, Tesla reports results for the second quarter. As usual, the boss of Tesla Elon Musk will say a lot of excitement, and how.

In the first quarter, he gave the most backdoor when he interrupted the analysts during the conference call and refused to answer it he thought that it was dusty issues.

– These questions are so dry. You kill me, he replied to one of the analysts on how many Tesla Model 3s reserved had been ordered.

By the end of the second quarter, Musk and Tesla have reached the goal of producing 5000 Model 3 a week. Musk said the company will be profitable in the third and fourth quarter of this year. As a result, when the second quarter results are released on Wednesday, a deficit is still expected. (Terms)

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