still uses flammable note 7 "IT journal


Samsung admits that there are devices.

The community around the Note 7, because there is always an interest in the handset, still refuses to give up the device that can suddenly shoot.

No uses Note 7!

Samsung blocks mobiles (even operators have SIM card blocked from working) and there is no update, at least not officially, but obviously does not prevent the development communities from hobbies like XDA. It's a kind of challenge that tutors love.

Many people root them to be able to access everything, so install other Android versions – the fact is that they can not be stopped by Samsung. Last summer, the company launched a fan version of the device called Galaxy Note Fan Edition.

In April of this year, Samsung announced that "almost everything" Note 7 has been removed. Now, we just hope that those who refuse to give up, at least do not leave it while they sleep.

XDA Developers
Android Central

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