Storebrand Director: "I'm a little scared


The performance season has so far been characterized by unusually large reactions. Friday, the XXL sport giant lost 26% after presenting disappointing figures. Large companies like Orkla, Europris, Schibsted and Gjensidige have also moved a two-digit number of their numbers.

According to Storebrand Managing Director Hans Thrane Nielsen, the violent reactions of the market are symptomatic of a market characterized by nerves in the pen, writing DN

– It's huge the way the Course reactions are about the reports that have been posted so far, says the newspaper's director.

– It's weird. People should think that it is an investment and not be torn if the results are below or above expectations.

It shows that relatively low earnings differentials of about three percent resulted in significant price changes of seven to ten percent. 19659002] – I'm a little scared. As an active investor, you should really use this to position yourself, but we have not done it. Now we are in the middle of the holidays and we are not in a position to vote, says Nielsen to DN.

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