Students Set New Hyperloop Records – Approaching 500 km / h


467 kilometers per hour. This is the speed student team Warr Hyperloop obtained with his self-propelled capsule in the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition on Sunday that took place in the organizer's reduced-pressure test tunnel at Hawthorne, California


The best speed of the top-rated hyper-loop capsules was 387 km / h and was set by Virgin Hyperloop One in December 2017. Although the latter was a life-size prototype, compared to the students closely of 30 centimeters prototype.

Warr Hyperloop, consisting of engineering students from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), won the third edition of the competition

– Very impressive, the boss of SpaceX Elon Musk said about the achievements of the winning team Test track of 1.2 kilometers long

Eight engines

This is not the first time that students stand out in the competition. They reached maximum speed during the first edition in January 2017 (94 km / h). Then they followed to win the number two competition in August of this year when the capsule reached a top speed of 324 km / h.

In previous competitions, SpaceX set up its own machine that could speed up the capsules across the test track. but this year the organizer demanded that all capsules should behave.

467 kilometers per hour. This is the speed student team that Warr Hyperloop got with his self-propelled capsule in Sunday's SpaceX Hyperloop Pod contest. Photo: Warr Hyperloop

TUM students built an eight-wheeled capsule that drives each of its wheels. In total, the engines have a power of 240 kilowatts, corresponding to 320 horsepower, according to a press release. The acceleration should be five times faster than a departing plane and the air brakes should be able to stop the capsule in five seconds.

The main structure is made of composite materials reinforced with carbon fiber. The hood does not weigh more than 70 kilos.

1200 km / h

Warr Hyperloop is composed of engineering students from the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Photo: Warr Hyperloop

TUM points out that the prototype is built with the purpose of testing the technology and the fact that we can not easily build space for people in the capsule.

Although reaching peak speeds of 500 kilometers, there is still much to be done before the vision described by Musk in a 2013 white paper

The idea is that capsules float through airtight hoses using magnetic levitation up to 1200 km / h. Hyperloop Warr points out that such speeds will not be possible on the SpaceX test track, as the capsule will accelerate and slow down on the 1.2-kilometer section

The main structure is made of composite materials reinforced with carbon fiber. The capsule weighs no more than 70 kilograms Photo: Warr Hyperloop

According to Geekwire, Musk later said that next time the capsules could be tested in a longer underground tunnel. You do not have to be a civil engineer to understand that Musk is probably targeting the underground tunnel system that he built with Boring Company under Los Angeles.

The weekend competition was for the students and 18 teams participated. Three of them finally tested the capsules in the series of tests controlled by pressure. According to The Verge, the other two teams experienced problems during the test, which means they did not reach speeds above 142 and 89 km / h respectively.

One thing is the technical challenges of the hyperloop. Another thing is the construction of infrastructure, which is necessarily capitalistic.

China's first hyperloop

However, it is not just the teams of students who develop the hyperloop concept

who mention Virgin Hyperloop One where the entrepreneur Virgin Richard Branson is the president, aims to have freight and passenger transport systems based on hyperloop technology completed in 2025. The company is in talks with several different countries.

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) announced last week an agreement to build China's first hyperloop system (press release). Initially, it will be a ten kilometer runway in Tongren, Guizhou Province.

At home, Sintef will build a test for hyperloop in Trøndelag, while MDG has presented this year a proposal for a hyperlood possibility study in Norway. The proposal was rejected. 26 students from COWI's summer job program, COWI Try, have proposed to build hyperloop in an unused tunnel on Ringeriksbanen

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