People who play GTA Online have recently had a juicy surprise when a message appeared in the game that Grand Theft Auto VI would come out next year. Those who thought it was too good to be true were unfortunately right, as reported by Eurogamer among others.
The message, apparently an official Rockstar message, was just a point never created using changes. This recently confirmed Rockstar in a message Twitter
So Real Out
The message appeared in GTA Online used both the official logo and font of the developer and therefore very authentic, which allowed many players to express their enthusiasm in various social media.
However, in a thread on Reddit, there was a lot of skepticism. way to "hack" the Social Club messaging system in the game. In addition, the messages appeared only on the PC platform and on the consoles of the previous generation, which are the only ones to have been modified.
Rockstar did not provide any official information about Grand Theft Auto VI or this year's E3 show. , so the game is far enough. However, five years have passed since the launch of Grand Theft Auto V, five years after Grand Theft Auto IV, so it is not unthinkable that the game be on the horizon.
The first new Rockstar game we want to see is anyway Red Dead Redemption II, which is confirmed to come on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on October 26th of this year – and possibly on PC later.
Read also: – How to become Red Dead Redemption 2 »[19659011] require.config ({
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