Swedish star does not want to work with Johaug


– Johaug had run away from me, says Stina Nilsson.

Stina Nilsson won the Olympic gold sprint at the Pyeongchang Olympics last winter. At 25, she is in charge of a new season, in Seefeld, Austria.

Charlotte Kalla, another Swedish ski company, has already coached Marit Bjørgen and Therese Johaug. Kalla was curious to know how Norwegian girls trained.

In front of VG, Nilsson says that she does not want to work with Johaug

– No, I think she's running fast on me. So, I do not think I would be so useful, "said the Swedish cross-country runner at the newspaper

Nilsson, who finished four medals in South Korea games, said that" I'm not going to be able to do that. " she did not believe that Johaug

"I did not talk to Kalla about the experience of practicing with the Norwegian," she says.

Thérèse Johaug is currently in Aspen until she reaches the end of her life. at 3500 meters high, she has been there for more than ten days, and shortly before the departure Johaug has found a back injury, but that does not seem to inhibit it anymore

– I did not not had a lot of contact with her after she left for the US, but there was a bit of mail .. What she says is that it's going very well and that she's is very happy with the stay, it is mostly about exercising, resting and eating.The return is definitely better, says coach Pål Gunnar Mikkelsplass at NTB [1] 9659010]! Function (e, t, n, c, o, a, s) {e.fbq || (o = e.fbq = function () {o.callMethod? o.callMethod.apply (o, arguments) o.queue.push (argument)} e._fbq || (e._fbq = o), o.push = o, o.loaded! = 0, o.version = "2.0" o.queue = [] (a = t.createElement ("script")) = 0 async, a.src = "https:.! / /connect.facebook .NET / en_US / fbevents.js "(s = t.getElementsByTagName (" script ") [0]). parentNode.insertBefore (a, s))} (window, document), FBQ (" init ") "762559487244655"), FBQ ("track" "view page") [ad_2]
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