Systembolaget stops the sale of beer that can explode


Swedish System Company stops the sale of American Snowcat Coffee Stout beer. The reason for the sale is that they fear that the boxes may explode.

In a press release, Systembolaget writes that they made the decision with the supplier to stop the sale.

MAY EXPLODE: Much of the Snowcat Coffe Stout beer is removed. Photo: "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhEAAJAIAAAP /// wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAQAAkAAAIKhI + py + 0Po5yUFQA7 "data-src =" // 32.59385665529 & cropw = 100 & cr = 64.505119453925 & width = 294 & height = 380 & compression = 75 "class =" img lazyload "data-srcset =" // = 1370 & height = 1770 & compression = 30 4000w, // 2048w, // /images?imageId=9984964&x=0&y=32.59&cropw=100&croph=64.51&width=970&height=1253&compression=75 1920w, // 361 & height = 466 & compression = 80 640w, // 480w, // images? imageId = 9984964 & x = 0 & y = 32.59 & cropw = 100 & croph = 64.51 & width = 626 & height = 809 & compression = 20 320w " />

MAY EXPLODE: Some of the beer, Snowcat Coffe Stout, is removed. Photo:

"Affected boxes are limited to one part and the supplier is now working to find the cause," the press release says.

Sold in more than 100 stores

According to Expressen, hundreds of these boxes were sold. Customers who bought this beer were asked to return the boxes to Systembolaget before August 12 to get their money back.

Snow Car Coffe Stout is imported from the United States and is manufactured by Crazy Mountain Brewing Co. The supplier of the product is Bevgru AB

Beer has the item number 1590 and has been sold in about 100 Systembolaget 440 stores.

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