Taking gold in Pyeongchang – now he is hospitalized with an inflammation in the heart – NRK Sport – Sports News, Results and Scouting Plan


– I am now under surveillance. There is much to suggest that there is a bacterium that came in with the flu that caused the inflammation of the entire system. It's an inflammation of the heart, but we still do not know what it's all about, "Pedersen told NRK on the phone.

The 18-year-old was admitted to the Haugesund Hospital on Saturday and was later airlifted to Bergen

Pedersen published the picture on his Instagram and Facebook profile. Under the picture he wrote:

– Sometimes everything does not go completely according to plan. I've been a little sick lately, and after having a lot of bad luck, it caused an inflammation of my heart. Now, a longer period of rest and quiet work is waiting to put the heart back to the norm. The Olympiatoppen has already assembled a team to help me prepare for the ski season!

Pedersen impressed all the Paralympic Games in Pyeongchang, where he won gold in the big league and bronze at the same time. In addition, he won the World Cup last season.

  Jesper Pedersen

GULL AND SOURCE: Jesper Saltvik Pedersen impressed greatly at the Paralympic Games.

Photo: Scanpix Geir Owe Fredheim / NIF / NTB

Feels Better

18 years old says that he will completely recover from inflammation and that he already has a good support device in place.

– It is said that I need a little more exercise, but it is a bit of a question of appearance. The Olympiatoppen has already set up a team, but we'll see how it goes, he says

How are you feeling now?

– I feel really good. It's happened.

Pedersen says that he will stay a few days in the hospital while waiting for the values ​​to return to normal.

18 years old is considered one of Norway's greatest para-alpine talents and has had a huge development in recent years. He was also a talent in many sports for a long time.

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