Telemarksavisa – Nearly 12,000 candidates are offered a place to study here


Publication of admission numbers and distribution of places of study for the new academic year. A total of 11,678 applicants received an offer of study at the University of Southeastern Norway (USN).

7607 of these offers were sent to candidates through Coordinate Record (SO), while 4071 offers were sent to people who requested local registrations, the university writes in a press release .

Over 12,000 Lists of Expectations

As internship offers are sent out, applicants will receive higher listing listings on their applications for SO , but not in the main recording. In total, 12,297 offers were issued on the waiting list of USN studies programs

According to a press release, the waiting lists of the USN

USN divide 52 different educational programs, but especially for the main health and social professions. listing.

Only nursing training alone has 5249 candidates on a waiting list.

In addition, 873, 652 and 493 applicants have been placed on the waiting list for study programs for nurses, child protection in a multicultural society and x-ray . The study with the most people on the waiting list, which does not belong to the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, is a Bachelor of Laws with 484.

Record Record [19659009] According to the press release, Petter Aasen, rector at the USN, is happy in the history of Norway

– This is a very good admission for the new university. I would like to congratulate all those who have been offered to our university and wish them a warm welcome early in the study in August, "says Aasen

The USN Bachelor Program, which claimed the most points from first registration candidates 2. Among the years of study, English was the most difficult to obtain, with a score of 55.3

Prof. University

Halvor Austenå, Vice Principal of Education and Quality Studies at the USN, says the university is up to the standards

– We find that we have, as usual, very good figures in health and social education. This is also true for kindergarten teacher training, economics and management as well as for maritime education. We are also pleased that the training of elementary school teachers and our three associate professors can display such numbers. In addition, alternative recruitment pathways contribute to our achievement of our civilization in engineering education.

Austenå seems happy that the USN also has good numbers on IT education.

– In recent years, we have focused on these courses, so we have received more new places to study here. This year we have waiting lists for almost all these programs. USN efforts in the field are also reinforced by the fact that our computer engineering courses have good offerings. We are also pleased to see that we have good offers in many of the subject programs, particularly in linguistic and social studies.

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