Tesla called on the carpet by the labor inspectorate


The Labor Inspectorate was responsible for six inspections in various departments of Tesla in 2017 and 2018. One of the tours of the year led to the introduction of the direction of society in carpets. Dagens Næringsliv has access.

Tesla pointed out to the Labor Inspectorate that the company did not have shift work for its employees and that all contracts in the company involved hours of work agreed from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, which proved impossible. Tesla has therefore received several orders from the audit.

– Tesla is committed to respecting the laws and regulations applicable in the markets where we operate and we are grateful for the constructive dialogue with the Labor Inspectorate, "says Simonsen, Tesla Norden Regional Director. ] Inspector Morten Kjerstad Larsen at the Norwegian Labor Inspectorate does not wish to comment further on the orders. Companies with foreign owners do not always know the requirements of Norwegian law, according to Larsen, who adds that the audit helps.

The Consumer Council announced in July that it had recorded a marked increase in Tesla car applications. Consumers are referring to poor customer service, delivery delays and technical problems. Communication advisor Nora Egenæs in Tesla, Norway promised to improve the service of the giant of the automobile

(© NTB)

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