The 17-year-old boy in Vadsø accepted the prison for two weeks


– He followed my advice and accepted custodial sentences, as they are usually imprisoned by such charges, says 17-year-old defense lawyer Vidar Zahl Arntzen at NTB

It was originally planned to 39; be jailed Tuesday at 9:30 in Indre Finnmark district court in Tana, but imprisonment took place at the office Monday night

The 17-year-old man is the subject of a ban of visit, as well as a press ban, police lawyer Ylva Helen Kvikstad in the Finnmark Police District

On Saturday evening, Håvard Pedersen, 18 years old and from Vadsø, was moved to work at Coop Byggmix in Vadsø. The police were informed of the incident just before 10:00 pm and Pedersen was pronounced dead soon after. The 17-year-old man was seen from the spot against Vadsøya with a knife in his hand. He was arrested in the sea two and a half hours later.

There is no relationship between the 17-year-old and Pedersen, and the motive for the murder is still unknown. It is too early to tell if the 18-year-old was a random victim, police said.

– Who did this, we are reasonably certain. What we want to answer is what was the subject. The hope is that the victims can help shed light on this in an interrogation. That's one of the reasons we want to hear it as soon as possible, "said investigator Steffen Andreassen in the Finnmark Police District at NTB before questioning. of Monday.

– A first questionnaire was held on Monday and he said that he does not recognize the penalties .The contents of the hearing and he recognizes the facts, I can not not go into details, says Vidar Zahl Arntzen, lawyer

Asylum seeker

The 17-year-old teenager was sentenced in 2015 as a minor asylum seeker. if the Norwegian authorities decided to send him abroad

– As far as I know, he has no expulsion order against him. a very serious sentence against him, but beyond that I think that he seems to be fine, says the lawyer.

The police said that it takes into account the state the boy's mental and will request a judicial observation of

The police secured the video surveillance cameras in the store. The weapon's weapon, described as a "knife-like object," was not found. The police also sought residence for 17 years and informed NRK that there were seizures

Does not Want Racism

There are dozens of minor asylum seekers in Vadsø, says Mayor Otto Strand in Aftenposten. Pedersen's family is in mourning, but it seems important not to upset the fact that the 17-year-old is not Norwegian.

– The family does not want to speculate on the subject in any way. They want the police to do their job and find the answer. They do not want it to be oriented in such a way that it ends up as a form of racism, "says family counselor Edel Hennie Olsen at NTB

– There have been many people from Afghanistan to Vadsø over time. it's still. The family does not want them to have problems because of what happened, but they quickly question about the topics and the people who react to them. That's the police who must try to find the answers, "says Olsen. [ad_2]
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