At the World Cheese Cup in Bergen last weekend, "Fanaost" was voted the best cheese in the world. Now cheese is sold all over Norway.
"Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock, we had exhausted Fana cheese," said Viktoria Grimen, general manager of the Oasen Menu in Bergen.
The chain of stores sold more than 300 kilograms of Fanaost after being elected world champion on Friday. Grimen tells NRK that she expects a multiplication of demand after the World Cup title.
"I think I will sell everything I get.
This is not the first time Fanaosten has won a championship. The cheese won the NM in 2016 and in 2017. Last year, he received the bronze of the World Championships in the class of semi-solid cheeses.
GLOBAL WORLD: On Friday, Fanaost was voted the best cheese in the world at the World Cup in Bergen.
Photo: Mette Anthun / NRK
– received 150 messages in one day
Cheese producers Jørn Hafslund have been busy days in Ostegården at Breivik Farm in Krokeide. Here he makes what is now the best cheese in the world.
The day after the victory in the World Cup, he received 150 SMS.
"I have not been able to open the Facebook profile yet," he said.
OSTEGÅRDEN: Jørn and Ruth Hafslund prepare Fanaost at Breivik Farm in Krokeide.
Photo: Mette Anthun / NRK
Can not answer the request
It takes time to make cheese well done. Maturation can not be spelled, says the osteon.
"We may only be able to satisfy five to ten percent of the demand, so we have to play the cards properly.
Jørn and his wife Ruth Hafslund say that success brings new challenges. They must, among other things, constitute a larger stock to increase the production of popular cheese.
"We must also determine whether we will reduce the production of other cheeses, in order to give priority to Fanaosten.
FASHION NEED: Jørn shows Fanaost, which was made this summer. Most cheeses will refine until next summer.
Photo: Sissel Rikheim / NRK
Give priority to old customers
When the couple started producing cheese in 2006, they had never witnessed such a development, says Ruth Hafslund.
"My dream was to get a cheese that we like and that we sell maybe a little," she says.
Although there are many requests, they still want to give priority to the clients who have taken care of them over the years.
"We have cheese in stock that we are going to start cutting and will sell to old customers.
The couple considers themselves a little irony committed to local production.
"We will try to meet the demand, but we must not forget who we are and what we started.
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