The boss XXL despises the low prices: – Can not continue like that


He writes the Nettavisen.

– Prices on the market are down and there are fewer customers. It can not continue like this. Nobody can afford it, prices have to go up, says Fredrik Steenbuch, CEO of XXL, at Nettavisen.

Steenbuch presented disappointing numbers for the sporting fight on Friday. The hot weather meant that XXL was reducing its prices to an unprofitable level. At this very low level, they stayed.

– We will still be in competition, but now we have gone stronger than we should. It was not worth it, says the boss of XXL.

Cheap rain clothing

He says that most items are now cheap, but mostly some product groups point out.

– We are heavily depressed on rain gear, jackets and the outdoors. Things you need when it's cold. Now you do everything in shorts, he says.

Price declines occurred after the market bottom fell in mid-June. So those who would buy sportswear for the summer would have done and people would have gone to the beach instead.

– It was as if someone turned off the switch. "Boom," he says, and then the customers were gone, says Steenbuch

Common Fate

  • XXL: – Customers Missed at the Beach

However, it's not just XXL that has problems. XXL's competitors, such as G-Sport, Sport1 and Intersport, will also notice a decline in the market.

Steenbuch claims that the rest of the sports market is struggling much more than his channel.

– We earn as much as a quarter as our top 20 competitors in the Nordic region earn in one year. According to Steenbuch, some of XXL's competitors have doubled their warehouses, that is to say that they have twice as many items in stock, according to Steenbuch, some of XXL's competitors have doubled their stocks. This is because they are unable to sell the items that they have purchased.

– Those in the sports industry who are not rigged well before struggling terribly now. There is pressure on prices in the market and they have to sell stocks. According to Stephen Steenbuch, this will further reduce prices, although we will probably have a little less,

. The reduction costs

XXL also plans to sharply reduce costs over time. In addition, this allows prices to stay low in the long run.

– We must think again and go through everything. We thought it would be difficult, but after looking over, we realized we could get it, "said Steenbuch.

At the same time, the entire sports industry is facing Steenbuch thinks that many in the sports industry will go bankrupt in the coming years.

– I think it's a real scourge, but it's like that in the industry that it will not happen tomorrow or next year Everyone has the ability to last a long time But in the long run, there are many people who have to go to bed, says he

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