The county governor allows the slaughter of wolves in Naustdal


By Jantra Hollum (Dagsavisen) and Dag Kjørholt (NTB)

Four lambs killed and one sheep in Hydalen were found together. In addition, four lambs were so badly injured that they had to be killed, NRK reports.

The Norwegian National Inspectorate examined the cadres and concluded that they had been captured by wolves. The slaughter permit applies for the period from July 8 to 16. Finally, there was a wolf at Naustdal in 2014.

Arve Aarhus, who heads the county faction team, says the team is currently unable to follow

– Now we have to wait until there are new corpses. It's like finding the needles in the skyscraper. Now that there is a landmark and we do not see the tracks of the wolf, it is very demanding to hunt, he says.

County Governor: Major Potential

He asks people to contact the National Board of Conservation if they find dead bodies or other traces they suspect may be after the wolf . Aarhus says that it is probably a lone wolf that has been to Naustdal.

– Often, Norwegians come here and they have a long walk behind them. The county governor writes in his report on the grounds for the slaughter permit that the potential for damage is high at the beginning of the animal season and that 6,000 lambs and sheep graze altogether in the municipality of Naustdal

. ] NOAH: Wrong Strategy

Siri Martinsen, veterinarian and leader of the NOAH Animal Rights Organization, says she's not surprised by the county's license.

As it operates today, there is no tolerance when the wolf is outside the wolf zone, which currently accounts for only 5% of Norway's land area . NOAH believes that when you have a critically endangered species, like the wolf is, it is wrong to close it to such a limited area.

She points out that in this case it is a failure of damage.

When a beast is injured, the only measure is the shooting of predators. NOAH believes that this whole damage fixation strategy is very bad, as research shows that predator fire does not help but can be followed by major problems next year.

– All type of operation must be changed

Shooting policy is not effective according to Martinsen, and if it is to protect the pets that are released at pasture, this must be done in a completely different way.

unable to take care of themselves and be unattended. We have more than 100,000 animals that die each year without the predators having anything to do with it. The fact is that the whole mode of operation must be changed, and priority should be given to preventive measures.

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