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DNB is punished by falling prices on Oslo Børs after quarterly quarterly figures

The share returned 4.2 percent to 155.85 crowns Thursday afternoon.

Pre-tax profit for the second quarter was NOK 7.632 million, compared with 6.819 million kronor last year. The bank's long-term slot machine, DNB Markets, reported pre-tax profit of NOK 710 million in the second quarter, according to the bank's quarterly report. It rose from 894 million Norwegian kroner in the same period last year and 1045 million Norwegian kroner in the first quarter of this year.

Turnover: 1.466 million Norwegian kroner against 1.639 million kronor in the second quarter last year and 1 804 million NOK in the first quarter of this year.

– We have been spoiled for several quarters. It is important to say that the composition of income derived from DNB Markets is as important as it is worth a billion, says DNB head Rune Bjerke at TDN Direct.

– Quality Growth

Bjerke points out to the news agency that DNB has grown into the so-called quality income. In addition, it invests in customer-focused activities, such as investment banking.

Revenues from investment banking operations increased from $ 338 million in the second quarter last year to $ 390 million in the second quarter

. According to him, the most important growth is the most important, he says.

DNB Markets' main income item is also bonds, currencies and commodities. This figure rose from 558 million in the second quarter of last year to 519 million NOK in the second quarter of this year

Trading disappointed

Bjerke nevertheless admits that the listing of DNB Markets has disappointed.

– We do not have it We have been preoccupied with covering currency fluctuations that we might have assumed, and as has been the case in previous quarters. According to TDN Direkt, the managing director of TD Direkt must also make money market transactions and income that have operated under conditions different from those of previous years.

However, he believes that a volatile segment like trading should not be the basis of investment banking. fbAsyncInit = function () {
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