The family contributed when a man (40) was saved from captivity:


The man was arrested Saturday, accused of coercion and threat to another man.

Initially, according to Oppland Arbeiderblad, he was detained for two weeks with a letter and visit control


Not to Recognize

According to the newspaper, the 40-year-old man was in very bad shape when he was found by friends and family at an address in Westoppland.

– The man was almost unrecognizable, says a family contact with Oppland Arbeiderblad.

In addition, the person told the newspaper that the family lost contact with the man about two years ago. Then they thought that he did not want to continue with them

During the two years that he was observed a few times, but still with the 60 year old man.

TV 2 spoke with the family to the person concerned.

– It's completely unreal what happened, they say.

– Stupid period

Aina Hélène Tveneberg, Attorney General, told TV 2 that her client is relieved that she can now move freely in society. According to Tvengsberg, the man was arrested for more than a year.

– He is happy to be able to move freely, to eat a hamburger and to be short of people. At the same time, he thinks the period has been busy, Tvengsberg told TV 2.

The man is now being cared for by health professionals and his family.

The lawyer explained to him that there had been a captivity that was not able to move to the outside or contact the outside world.

  ASSISTANCE: Aina Tvengsberg says that her client is extremely relieved to be able to move about freely in society.
ASSISTANCE: Aina Tvengsberg says that her client is extremely relieved to be able to move freely in society. Photo: TV 2

– He felt that he was under duress, so he neither managed nor moved to move out of the house that he found, Tvengsberg said.

Remains alone

She also states that there is no personal or family relationship between the victim and the insulted man.

TV 2 finds that the sifted man was a friend of the offended parent.

The 40 year old man must have lived in a home which the 60 year old man was in possession of. There, he lived alone, but the two should have had extensive contact.

– There was no family contact or romantic relationship. Tvengsberg tells that this was an acquaintance of my client

The attorney's attorney confirmed that it was the family that had helped to free the man

– The family tried to stay in touch with him longer. time without doing that. Eventually, they managed to locate the house where my client was in line with the seat, Tvengsberg told TV 2.

She does not want to go further in the way the man was released from the residence. TV 2 that they have no information that the man was locked up or was caught.

– There were other forms of coercion, according to the police, says Nøkleby

– Are the police safe? that there was something criminal?

– This will show the investigation. We are in an early phase, and we will be conducting testimonies and investigations in the coming days, "she continues.

TV 2 finds that Gjøvik police will extend the sentence to violence in a few days

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