The firefighter saved the life of a woman (63) by going up the Stoltzekleiven


Lene Sand, a native of Denmark, was traveling to Stoltzekleiven, Bergen, on a Monday in June, when she suddenly folded with cardiac arrest.

Fortunately for the Danish woman, Lars Arne Nilsen was on the spot. The firefighter saved the life of this 63 year old man from the Aalborg region in Denmark.

VG first mentioned the case.

– I just have to say: Thank you very much, Lars Arne, for saving my life … thank you for your life – I am very grateful to you. But I do not remember anything, so you have to talk to my husband about what happened, "says Lene Sand to VG.

She was on vacation in Bergen with her husband Tommy.

She had a cardiac arrest, she turned blue in the face. It was just a coincidence that I was there, and it's obviously a benefit that I can get first aid. Another woman, who was also present, called the ambulance. When they arrived, the Danish woman had recovered the pulse, but she was still unconscious, says Brann's coach at VG


The fire chief decided to go to Stoltzekleiven that day- there, despite staying in Bergen Going up the many steps, he resumed and passed in front of a couple who was going slowly

The couple were Lene and Tommy Sand. The husband told Lene to fall and faint along the way, but he brought her to the top. There was coach Brann Nilsen.

At the top of Stoltzekleiven, Lene Sand became worse and worse before falling. Lars Arne Nilsen says that he had no phone, but he had the other woman at the top

– While I started with heart compression and word-of-mouth, she called Luftambulansen. It was absolutely crucial that someone called for help, "says Brann coach

. The dramatic episode has happily ended and Nilsen met the Danish couple at their hotel in Bergen two days later.

"She was unconscious when we were divorced, so she wanted to meet me, it was a very nice meeting, a strong story, a strong meeting, and we also had a contact page. pictures, she's fine now, I may be going to Denmark to visit them, "Lars Arne Nilsen told VG

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