The first rain arrived in Oslo, the danger warning was sent


After several crisp weeks of tropical heat and roaring sun, the sky became darker and the clouds more threatening on Saturday morning in many Eastafjell locations. The meteorologist Kristen Gislefoss had to do something that is not daily, even for him: dragging the people of Oslo because the rain Saturday morning, which was reported on Friday, was not yet arrival

. Hottest day Then it will be a weekend of rain, havoc and floods.

– It happens, said Gislefoss Saturday morning, and deepened:

– There is heavy rain and thunderstorms in the next 24 hours. But it is complicated to calculate exactly how much rain is coming in, exactly when and where.

According to, there will be more rain between 21 and 23 Saturday. During the night, it can be a little more. On the other hand, it will be sunny Sunday with a lot of sun and macro temperatures of 25 degrees

This has changed the weather forecast for Oslo often. Today, early warning has shown some rain in the 13-14 year olds. Later, the defense calculated from the notice. But for the 13th time, the first buildings of Oslo have arrived. Among other things, it was raining on Alnabru and just after 13:00 there was also a strong push on the center. But only five minutes later, the sun was back.

In large parts of southern Norway, rainfall can fall from 15 to 30 millimeters in one hour, 20 to 40 millimeters in three hours, and 30 to 60 millimeters in one day

. As a result, we issued a warning on precipitation, "says Gislefoss.

He says, among other things:

"There is a danger of overcrowding in densely populated areas, local floods, rains of beech and rivers, landslides and floods where tropical forests Strike the need for preventive measures. "

Danger warning applies to Østafjell, and will end Sunday at noon

– It is especially that Norwegians aspire to the rain, I must say, but now it will be. In buckets and buckles with someone, minimal with others. So I want to disappoint somebody today – and enjoy others, encourage Kristi Gislefoss.

The meteorologist warned earlier this week against heavy rainfall over a short period of time. Due to the dry soil, the rain evaporates and does not penetrate the soil.

Thunder and lightning are also on the way. Saturday morning, it was already in Telemark and Buskerud. This photo shows lightning strikes Saturday until 1:15 pm today, according to the website

Atle Rønning at 110 Central Station in East Aftenposten said that firefighters pay special attention to the weather on weekends. [19659002] – We naturally fear forest fires because of the noise, the danger is greater when lightning and thunder are on the way. We have called additional staff here at the central office to answer all phones and inquiries about possible events, says Rønning.

Rønning remembers that he is crushed in the ground, although there have been a few drops of rain today.

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