The football star has taken full dishes in social media. Now the debate is raging in Germany.


"I do not want to play for the German national team as long as I have the feeling of being exposed to racism and showing disrespect.

He wrote the star German football Mesut Özil (29) in a full report Twitter Sunday evening The message was clear: he is not interested in playing with the flag on the chest unless the l? state does change.

The message arrived a few months after the world champion was kicked out of the World Cup after losing Mexico to South Korea's Özil, one of the best players in the world. The team, had to face many criticism for his efforts.

Now he is bored. Not to play football, but elsewhere it was neat. And it is sad that most critics focus on his background, not just on how he plays as a football player.

He attacked the attack of German football president Reinhard Grindel, and longer against the lack of protection he received.

Is attacked by football

– In his eyes (Grindel) and among his supporters is I am German when you win, but I am an immigrant when you lose, writes Özil, who has Turkish roots.

The Özil post launched the debate in Germany. In the media, the Arsenal player has received mixed reviews. Uli Hoeness, the powerful president of Bayern Munich, took the opportunity to venture to Özil

– The last time he won a tackle, it was before the World Cup in 2014 And now he is hiding behind this miserable image. Sport. Hoeness, of course, sees the pose with Erdogan.

The noise and criticism of the midfielder became seriously aggravated when he posed in mid-May on a photo with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. And after that, Özil believes that he did not receive any support from the German Football Federation

On Monday, football matched in a press release

– The photos with Turkish President Erdogan have raised questions to many in Germany. That DFB contributed to the debate, we take self-criticism for. We regret that Mesut Özil does not feel well protected against racist statements, they said and continued:

– But it is important that Mesut Özil, like Ilkay Gündogan before him, react to the images, regardless of the sports results in football … World Cup in Russia. In DFB, we win and lose together as a team.

Özil has 92 national matches for Germany and was one of the key players when the country won gold at the World Cup in Brazil four years ago.

– Millions of Losers

The 29-year-old has already won the award for being a great example of integration. It is considered as a symbol and a model for the youngest members of minorities. Few countries in the world have more immigrants than Germany. According to the newspaper Der Spiegel, more than 30% of the population has a multicultural background of more than 20 years.

In the German media, they believe that this could give an incorrect signal to young people from minorities. This can make them less welcome. Others also point out that Özil himself must be blamed, since he has not commented on the images until now, more than two months later

– The withdrawal of Mesut Özil and even more his reasoning is a fatal sign for the German. Football and German society, writes Martin Schneider in the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung

– This is a departure that produces millions of losers. That's the judgment of Michael Eder in Frankfurter Allgemeine.

In front of Aftenposten, Christian Helms, sports editor of Spiegel Onlines, explains how he thinks that the situation of Özil will affect Germany as a nation. :

– Personally, I think it is a new tragic example of the division of German society. The very repressed politicians refuse to bend, and, sadly, they find it. The best result that can happen is that it's the beginning of a great and honest discussion about racism in everyday life, "said Helms

.Can no longer play for the # 1 39 national team because of racism .That cruel phrase sinks, writes ESPN's German writer Raphael Honigstein

Kai Schwind, editor-in-chief of media at the University Westerdals of Oslo, is German and followed the case Özil

– The unfortunate call is a euphemism.He was a symbolic figure of integration, he says about of the situation

– I really think that it is a bit awkward to draw parallels between sport and politics, but in this case it shows that there are things that are not completely in It may be thought that the question of integration has come further and that it is showing today a split in society, says Schwi. nd

Fjørtoft: – A sad day for football

Özil is not the first

Before the World Cup, Manchester United striker Romelu Lukaku wrote a post at the Open minded at the Players Tribune. Among other things, he addressed this topic

– When all is well, I read in the newspapers that they call me Romelu Lukaku, the Belgian striker. When it is not very good, I am called Romelu Lukaku, the Belgian leader from the Congo, he writes.

Jan Åge Fjørtoft has several years of German history, both as a player and as a football player. He thinks Sunday was "a sad day for German football and football in general."

– I am someone who gets up every day and thinks that football can change the world. Özil is a symbol of how to use a wardrobe for this. He has a background in Turkey but was born and raised in Germany. There are many in Europe in the same way, "says Fjørtoft

. He has trouble commenting on how the German media has treated Özil, but they say that they have sometimes been somewhat unilateral. But it is clear that it gives a very bad signal.

– This is very bad news for all the wonderful kids now in Norway, Germany, Belgium and everywhere, who are in the same situation as Özil. He was a model who did that.

The claims are not accepted

The post at Özil largely concerns the treatment of the German Football Federation, but the experience of Özil that it is not completely German is also a red thread.

– Although I pay taxes in Germany, donate to schools in Germany and win the World Cup with Germany in 2014, I'm still not accepted in society, writes Özil.

He uses the old national players as an example of different treatment 19659002] – Are there any criteria to be fully German that I do not meet? My friend Lukas Podolski and Miroslav Klose are never considered German-Polish, so why am I German-Turkish?

And just that part of Özil 's message, Kai Schwind sees it.

– It is interesting to see what Özil writes that those of Polish origin have never had a theme. Why do he and Gundogan still have to defend themselves? There are differences, which in a way represent the conditions of society.

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