The forest fire on Osterøy is extinguished


Firefighters worked to extinguish the fire that broke out on Reigstadfjellet in Osterøy.

The fire caught its breath at the same place where it burned on weekends.

Commander Karl-Arne Røyseth at the command post of 110 reported a little over 13 hours that firefighters would send a drone to have an overview of the difficult terrain

– We hope to be able to extinguish a Helicopter because it's too much According to Karl-Arne Røyseth, firefighters did not come, said at BT Friday afternoon.

Just after 6 pm, the fire department reported that the fire had been extinguished.

Unavailable Area

The fire was spread over an area of ​​about 100 square meters.

According to Brigade Commander Trond Totland, there was little wind on the spot, and the fire slowly spread.

– This is a very unavailable area. The only possibility is to drop the water from the helicopter, said Totland

It should be about 1400 meters from the area where the fire burst up and down to the water . 11 men from the fire department were on the move while civil defense forces were on their way.

Filling Water Bag

The crews also mobilized with pipes and pumps that are arranged along the side of the mountain.

Røyseth in center 110 reported that the rocket could be related to the fact that it is very hot in the ground, and that the fire may have slumped and slowed down in the vegetation.

A little over 16 hours, there was a helicopter on site. The helicopter filled water bags that were dropped in order to extinguish the fire.

During the weekend, 160 trips were made before the ban was extinguished.

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