The French legend was massacred: – Scandal – Dagbladet


  • France – Belgium, to. 20.00

ST. PETERSBURG (Dagbladet): The teams from France and Belgium are in place in St. Petersburg, counting for the semi-final of the World Cup tonight.

One of the players in action at the mighty Krestovsky Stadium is perhaps passed over in silence. And this is not surprising: the former player of France and Arsenal, Thierry Henry (40 years), even wanted to be discreet as an assistant coach for Belgium. But now, the focus should not be avoided.

– It's amazing what's going on. And if Thierry Henry knocks us? It's a scandal that it's there, says French journalist, author and TV profile Gilles Verdez (53).

According to the Belgian big screen Het Laatste Nieuws, the words of the Verdez fall on a television show on CNews.

– How can he fight France after all the country has done for him? He should not have been responsible for this fight. He should have taken a few days of the World Cup, thundering the French profile, who is known for his strong opinions.

In the program he received a competition. And if the coach of Belgium, Roberto Martínez, met Spain? Would he have gone out of his way? answered one of the problems.

An interview

Henry was employed as an assistant coach in 2016. After that, he just gave an interview on Belgian television

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– I am not the head coach. I am not an assistant coach either. I am T3, the third coach. This is not my show. I am here to help the coach and the players. It's the coach who will talk, he said.

In fact, his job is to kill the attackers. At training, he can dismiss them and say, "Listen to me!" Then he shows how they can work with the movements and position themselves in front of the goals.

That Henry knows what he is talking about is beyond doubt. In 123 games for France scored 51 goals. He has played in clubs such as Monaco, Juventus, Arsenal and Barcelona. His career ended in the New York Red Bulls in 2014.

But now many French suspects are falling heavily for Henry to fight theirs. He became world champion with the team in 1998, along with Didier Deschamps, coach of France

  MID POINT: Thierry Henry (middle) keeps his morale on the training of Belgium. Photo: NTB scanpix
MID POINT: Thierry Henry (middle) keeps his mood on the training of Belgium. Photo: Scanpix NTB
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Henry says that he has never received an offer from France. It is not a secret that there was a bad blood after the famous hand of the World Cup against Ireland in 2009. He felt that it was n? did not have enough support. He also did not have the goodbyes he deserved at the end of his career.

France goalkeeper Hugo Lloris played with Henry for two years in the national team. He admits that it will be strange to meet the legend in the Belgian colors.


At a press conference on Monday he said:

– I was lucky and played with him for two seasons. It's a big player. A gentleman of French football. It's strange to see him with the Belgian team, but that's his career.

Lloris continued:

– I guess his heart will be shared. He had a lot of good times with France. It is he who scored the most goals for France. And it is he who has the second largest number of international matches. He left his mark on the history of the Blues. We know that he has a lot of experience in what is happening. He wants to do everything for his team.

Coach Deschamps also believes that it will be a difficult situation for Henry, but he says it was something he had to expect when he entered the coach of Roberto Martínez

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