The high temperatures of the bathing water in the Oslo fjord increase the risk of bacterial infection


Due to prolonged warm weather in many places, bath temperatures were higher than usual

High water temperatures provide better growing conditions for some bacteria found in brackish and salty waters. High temperatures in the Baltic Sea and the Oslo Fjord can cause an increase in the growth of vibriobacteria. Some of these bacteria, such as Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus can cause serious infections in people who swim in coastal areas where the water temperature is high

. The department director, Line Vold, of the Department of Food, Water and Animals Institute of Public Health, advises to inform on how to prevent the disease. infection

The infection may be caused by open wounds (including recent tattoos). People with immunodeficiency diseases and people with liver disease may be particularly vulnerable.

Bathing wounds should cover them with strong impermeable patches. If it is not possible to cover injuries, swimming should be avoided, says Violence Line.

In addition, the risk of vulnerable people can be reduced by only taking a short bath and wiping carefully with a towel after bathing. If you have a sore while swimming, you must get out of the water and clean the wound with clean water. If you experience signs of nausea and vomiting with high bathing water, consult a doctor. Surveillance of Infection Risk Indicators

The ECDC European Observatory annually monitors indicators that may affect the growth of vibriobacteria in coastal areas of northern Europe. Data as of 17.7.2018 show that there is a moderate to high risk of vibriobacterial presence in, inter alia, internal and external Oslo fjords

ECDC E3 Geoportal map

  Faximile ECDC site monitoring of bathing waters

Facsimile ECDC website with monitoring of bathing waters

Overview of the risk of emergence of vibrio bacteria. Yellow color: low risk, orange: medium risk

Environmental health care in municipalities closely monitors the quality of bathing water in designated bathing areas and outdoor bathing areas. It is recommended to follow on their website and in the media the quality of the bathing water of the current beaches. It is not practical to analyze vibriobacteria on different bathing beaches.

Bathing Water and Risk of Transmissible Disease

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