The important project of Olaug Nilsen –


With the novel Heavy Speech author and mother Olaug Nilssen lead an important battle for children with additional challenges and their parents. Now the book becomes a theater. It's good because it's a story that should be heard by many, especially those who make political decisions on behalf of those families.

Nilssen said in an interview with Aftenposten earlier this summer that she viewed the project as a political awareness. "By showing her and our reality, I'm increasing the chance that we, and families like ours, will get more help," she says.

She also hopes that the book can act as a kind of life insurance for the son. Since he's known through the book, he has a good chance of getting the help he needs.

This is not the first time that Olaug Nilssen uses her own experience as a mother of an autistic child as the author. She also did it in the drama Big and Ugly in 2013, even though it was not directly autobiographical. In Hefty's speech she gets closer and closer to herself and the son. Although the book is defined as a novel, it is only a thin layer of fiction. It's Olaug's own son who is the main character – or model for the protagonist.

In the novel Nilssen writes about how the son begins to change during the age of three years. He who was already a child who could raise his head in front of other babies at the health center and who was holding the whole family in a conversation at the table while he was losing tongue and coordination for two years. The restoration of the toilets goes backwards. Before, he could eat yogurt without spilling. Now he can not do it anymore.

She also writes naked and vulnerable about her fatigue. How does she sometimes doubt if she is a good mother? About the worry of how this affects the boy that she has to push back so many times. And not least, she discovers how exhausting it is to relate to the professionals in the kindergartens and the auxiliaries.

As parents of "ordinary" children one becomes in the crowd. As a father and mother of a child with great needs, you stand out. You speak. One is considered. It's uncomfortable. But perhaps it is even more important to try to get help and relief that you need so much, but as you are late or maybe not at all.

It's not good when we can not hold back the cry in the telephone conversation with the saksbehandler på Nav.

Olaug Nilssen deserves all kinds of honors for writing this book. It may not have been easy. But it is very important. For reality Nilssen appears in the light, many families are autonomous.

Your grief when children are not good is as big as her. The exhaustion is also amazing. Frustration with bureaucracy and ancillary devices is also energy-consuming. She received a steady stream of requests from parents in the same situation. It shows, even more than the prices and the good reviews, that it has hit the twinkle of an eye.

The hope must be that the book and theatrical arrangements raise the situation of these families in the table of decision makers with such weight that it leads to change. Parents of disabled children and heavy diagnoses are often in an extremely difficult everyday life.

You do not have to fight to get the help they need under the law. This must be obvious to all those who are interested in human value.

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