The lowest listening numbers on the radio: – DAB is the cause


NRK radio director Jon Branæs estimates that the conversion from FM to DAB + is attributed to the lowest number of radiolytics in Norway. For the first time, the radio is less than 50%.

– The transition from FM to DAB + for national radio stations is the main reason for the drop in ratings this summer. The effect has been applicable throughout the year, but until the summer we have seen steady progress, with the exception of the strike NRK, said Branæs at ABC News

Last Thursday, the latest national statistics on radio reached the top, showing that radio in Norway has less than 50% support, which is historically low according to the site of Radio Radio.

Facts on the transition to DAB radio in Norway

* The FM network was launched in Norway in 1954.

* Digital audio broadcasting (DAB), on Norwegian digital radio broadcasting, is a European standard for digital radio

* The standard requires new reception equipment (DAB radios)

* In 1995, NRK launched test transmissions with DAB, which allows for more channels.

* An improved version of dab, known as DAB +, was launched at the. international scale in 2007 and launched in Norway from 2010. DAB + offers more radio channels and rooms for additional services

* DAB + does not work on older radios. and other national radios wanted the fastest transition to DAB + to save money.

* They were heard in 2015 when the government decided that Norway, as the only country, would close the FM network in 2017. The network was launched in Nordland on Wednesday 11 January 201 7. Since then, the network was closed in stages throughout the country.

* On 20 September, NRK turns off FM broadcasts in east-central Norway (Østfold, Vestfold, Oslo and Akershus)

* On 8 December, P4, Radio Norway and some local radio stations also broadcast their broadcasts on the FM network. The same counties.

* The closure of the main network was completed on December 13 with Troms and Finnmark

* It is still possible to hear local radio on the FM network after closing. 189 local radio stations have a license and continue to broadcast on FM, currently 2021.

Source: NTB

The daily listening was measured at 48.5%. A decrease of 2.7% compared to the previous week. Only national radio stations included in the survey, NRK, P4 and Bauer Media. Local radios are not counted.

– The summer and the common holidays always have lower numbers because Norwegians travel a lot and often abroad, as well as people who give up tomorrow's radio – when most listen to the everyday life. These last two weeks are the ones that have the lowest daily listening throughout the year. This year, moreover, many people who have DAB + home still lack radio in the cabin and / or car, and this reinforces the decline of the summer holidays, says Branæs.

– Refuses to believe we are doing bad radio

Auditors have dropped 400,000 in the last two years. The Center Party believes that the situation is dramatic and believes that the FM network should be re-established.

Åslaug Sem-Jacobsen criticizes the reorganization of DAB. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB scanpix

Åslaug Sem-Jacobsen criticizes the reorganization of DAB. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB scanpix

– In the summer, the listeners speak a little in the Nordic countries, and in these countries of the radio, they undergo all the competition of the energy services. But no other country than Norway has gone from about 70% to less than 50% in two years. Other countries remain around 70%. I refuse to believe that the listener's theft is due to the fact that we suddenly make such a bad radio in Norway "said Åslaug Sem-Jacobsen, media spokesman for the Party of Center, at ABC News.

In addition, she says the only difference between us and other countries is that we have shut down national FM networks and forced people to switch to digital broadcasting before they are ready to use this format

This does not work because it should also play a role here.I mean, for the moment, we do not see any other solutions to change the negative attitude of people to Regarding the radio rather than activate the FM network.At least for a period.Get the positive effect that local radios that broadcast on DAB and FM receive during the day with a listening and increased advertising revenues I believe that a radio medium still strong urges our media diversity and availability, "says Sem-Jacobsen

(Watch the video: Disable the FM Network)

] Jon Branæs also believes that the radio in 2018 is competing with other platforms.

– We have seen the decline of listening already before 2017. It is worth noting that the daily listening has dropped more than the weekly listening, due to Have fewer devices than before. At NRK, we would like to have more listeners, but we are patient because it is a little while, less than nine months after the last FM closing. Our goal in the future is to ensure that radio is as good as possible, both to solve our mission and to bring listeners back to good radio stations, "says NRK radio director.

Think Channels Use Marketing Channels

Torgeir Waterhouse, Director of Internet and New Media at ICT Norway points out that DAB technology is far from new and that DAB is an intermediate step.

There is no doubt that it happened in the interest of major radio stations. If you had taken into account the technological development and the interests of the users, you would have kept the FM. That would be the right way to go he told ABC News.

ICT-Norway is an independent organization of interest for the digital business world.

Waterhouse, who says he himself has results when he hears DAB +, also thinks that national channels use marketing channels.

Torgeir Waterhouse tells himself that he saw the DAB signal fall. Photo: ICT-Norway

Torgeir Waterhouse tells himself that he saw the DAB signal fall. Photo: ICT-Norway

– They say that there will be greater diversity with DAB + since technology allows more channels, but the channels deliver pretty much the same thing. He has increased the volume and not the diversity, he believes.

– We must also remember that FM is an international standard of expectation. Those who insisted a lot to close the FM network thought that it was in bad shape and that it had to be maintained. Compared to the construction of DAB and millions have had to buy new radios, I do not think the cost has cost so much, says Waterhouse.

He also believes that it is important to learn from this in the future.

We must see what is really going on in time and not just listen to a close environment that is in love with a technology.

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