The missing girl is found in good condition


1215: Police report on Twitter that the missing girl is found in good condition. She went down to the place agreed on her own.

Police report on Twitter Wednesday, around 10:15, that a research action was launched in Nordreisa after a teenager.

– Research is initiated because the girl did not return at the agreed time.

Turvant [19659005] The girl is going to be comfortable and well equipped, reports the police.

– She brings cards and enough food, says operations director Eirik Kileng in the Troms Police District.

Kileng says that the girl was in contact with parents Tuesday night that she and the dog were tired.

– It was agreed that she should meet parents in Kildalsdammen that night.

North Troms

The operations manager does not mean where the girl comes from, but confirms that she comes from North Troms.


Police named Norwegian People's Aid, the Red Cross, Norwegian rescue dogs and possibly the Civil Defense to facilitate the search that begins at the roadblock

Police called the Guadeloupe in Kåfjord. In addition, a Sea King helicopter is on site immediately.

The future in the North updates the case.

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