Apple recently launched a new generation of its MacBook Pro machines, this time with the ability to ship a powerful six-core Core i9 processor.
Technology-Youtuber Dave Lee has already tested the new model, and in a video he tells the machine how to handle the heat generation of the new processor.
In Adobe Premiere Pro, the new model uses more time to convert a 5K video to 4K H.264 than the previous generation, which had an i7 processor. Specifically, 11 percent.
Even the battle with the base frequency
He also finds that the edition with i9 fails even to maintain the 2.9 GHz CPU base rate for more than two minutes before the speed can be set – what is called the "thermal regulation".
Lee found that the processor averaged 2.2 GHz to keep heat to a minimum.
– Forget the turbo frequencies and all that. It can not even hold the base rate of 2.9 Ghz. It's absurd. This processor is an unlocked, overclockable piece, but the full potential of the process is wasted in this cabinet – or with this cooling solution, Lee says in the video.
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