The Norwegian Food Safety Authority receives criticism for a somewhat critical investigation – NRK Rogaland – Local News, Television and Radio


– No, I have not received an investigation. What inquiry? asks farmer Jonny Thu.

In recent months, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority has received a lot of criticism from farmers and other actors in agriculture.

In particular, their behavior is monitored. Farmers, veterinarians, HSE advisers and others have criticized them. Therefore, a survey was sent to find out if the criticism was real. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority sent the survey to 3,600 farmers and 1,200 blacks.

– All those who receive production grants in Rogaland have received a response to an inquiry about how to supervise us. According to the regional director of Mattilsynet, Ole Fjetland,

The most positive results

It shows the results of the latest survey of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and believes that the new survey shows that they are not. bad, or at least mix the image.

– 80 percent think it was a positive or positive experience, he says.

  Ole Fjetland, Regional Director of the Food Safety Authority

Ole Fjetland and Mattilsynet deny having excluded critical farmers

Photo: Marte Skodje / NRK

But all those who criticize the Norwegian Food Safety Authority? No, mean more farmers.

Critical farmers were not interviewed

Solveig and Trygve Mjåtveit of Nærbø on Jæren are two of those who criticized the supervision of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

  Solveig Mjåtveit

Bonde Solveig Mjåtveit thinks she should be questioned by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. It was not her.

Photo: Ali Akhtar / NRK

– This survey was not received, says Solveig

– I had the opinion that there would be an investigation on after the case we had. But I do not know why we do not answer. I think all manufacturers should answer, she adds.

NRK examined the figures of the investigation. It seems that among the farmers who were the subject of unannounced surveillance, 34% had a negative control. Only 16% had a positive experience.

– I think Mattilsynet chose who they asked.

  Jonny Thu

The farmer Jonny Thu was not interviewed during the investigation of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

Photo: Thomas Ystrøm / NRK

He also asks questions about the results of the survey

– Should they know what impressions farmers have of monitoring that They exercise, they must interview all the farmers they supervised.

they deliberately omitted critical farmers.

Satisfied with the audit

  Londe B. Anda

Bonde Lene B. Anda was satisfied with the supervision of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority

Photo: Ali Akhtar / NRK

But there are also farmers who are positive to the supervision of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. Lene B. Anda de Klepp on Jæren himself received orders after an inspection by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

She did not think the visit was bad. Monitoring, on the other hand, led the farmer to make the necessary catches

– As we received orders, you would think that it was a cruel experience. That was not it. The farm operation became much better after they were with us, she said.

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