The owner of Google, Alphabet, delivers his mood for the second quarter


Alphabet, the parent company of tech giant Google, delivered Monday night figures for the second quarter, and the stock rises above five percent in the stock market.

Alphabet delivers better than expected in terms of income and profits. The result was $ 3.2 billion, or $ 4.54 per share, after the EU boat exceeded $ 5 billion.

Without the boat, the result would reach $ 11.75 per share after taxes, significantly better than expected 9

Revenue of $ 32.66 billion was also much better than a consensus of 25.6 billions of dollars in advance.

Like many other tech giants, the alphabet is in a large stockpile of over $ 102 billion. . For the first time in three years, the cost of acquisition is also decreasing.

The results show that Google continues to dominate completely the search on the Web and web ads. Google, and in part YouTube, constitute the backbone of the Alphabet and accounts for the majority of sales and results.

Got gigantbot

Last week, the alphabet was fined 4.3 billion euros – 41 billion NOK or Well, five billion dollars – from the European Commission, which believes that Google has broken a number of competition on its smartphone operating system, Android.

Google thinks the boat is bad and anchor it.

The judgment has nothing to say for the price of the Alphabet action, which remained relatively stable in the week for the quarterly report Monday night.

The alphabet action rose 1.1% on the Nasdaq stock market Monday before the results display

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Netflix Streaming Service released the results of major technology companies last week – and the company has disappointed the market.

The second quarter saw a slight increase in the number of users […]

Growth of 5.15 million users is about a million less than expected and a sharp decline on the stock market. In the minutes following the presentation of the quarterly report, the share falls by 13%.

According to Bloomberg, Alphabet has experienced the weakest stock market development of the so-called FAANG companies – Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google. The question is whether, after the results of the second quarter, the company will do a byx towards the other giants of technology. (Terms)

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