The peak of the SCS is accused of sexual assault


The charges against Moonves are presented in the latest issue of The New Yorker, which
Six women tell how the CAS boss sexually harassed them.

Four of the women say they were fired and kissed at business meetings without their consent. Two others claim that Moonves physically frightened them or threatened to end their career

. The report is signed by journalist Ronan Farrow, who has also ensured that the lawsuit against producer Harvey Weinstein begins. It came in a report that he wrote for the New York Times and he won a Pulitzer Prize


The six women who appear in The New Yorker say that CBS Peak was cold and hostile after rejecting it and believing that their careers were suffering from it.

– I was the victim of sexual harassment. Then I got fired for not participating, says actor and author Illeana Douglas.

Moonves was a voice in the # metoo campaign, including helping fund a new commission to investigate the issues of mistreatment and Shikane in Hollywood.

Douglas says that she knew people related to the commission and planned to tell them her story until she saw that Moonves was one of the members

– I do not think that a reef should keep a henhouse, says She is taken to the New Yorker


– All allegations of unwanted behavior must be taken seriously, it is advertised in an announcement by the Council of CBS, which therefore begins the investigation.

Moonves is one of the highest-paid executives and, according to Forbes magazine, have a personal wealth of nearly NOK 6 billion.

The news of allegations against Moonves Friday, the price of CBS shares fell 6.6 percent.

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