The Russian gas giant plans to use Norwegian ports


The Russian natural gas giant Novatek plans to use the Norwegian ports to relocate natural gas, and the mayor of South Varanger hopes that yes the Kremlin

– This is not decided to the border, it is in the Kremlin at Putin's table. According to Mayor Rune Rafaelsen (AP), he could make a decision in a few weeks

He hopes the project will have a clear signal and that it will create more jobs in the local community.

According to the newspaper, Novatek builds its other natural gas burial sites on the Jamal Peninsula, in the far east of the Russian Arctic, expected to be completed in November of this year. The company therefore sees opportunities to reload the gas from specially designed oil tankers into regular tankers, which will transport gas further south to Europe.

In accordance with Norwegian Norterminal, Novatek has studied the possibility of reloading in Norwegian waters. and two of the three possible transshipment areas are located in the arms of the sea fjord outside Kirkenes, the third near Honningsvåg.

Raphael, pointing out that it is still uncertain if the project is started, he believes in The local industrial potential

– This does not matter in Oslo, but there is great opportunities in the North, he says.

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