The technical rally pushed the Nasdaq to record levels – Dow jumped 188 points


US stocks rose on Tuesday after the strong results of the Google Mother Alphabet led Tuesday's tech sector in the green territory on Wall Street.

Top Nasdaq technology has reached the new high all-time, having increased almost 1 percent early trading. The index slowed down on the stock market, down slightly by 0.01% to 7,840.77 points.

Read also: Opening of Glovarm on Wall Street – Google in the fore

Dow Jones Industrialivege climbed 188 points, up 0.75% to 25,232.48 points, after major players such as Goldman Sachs and United Technologies rose by 0 9 percent and 3.76 percent.

The S & P 500 achieved a 0.47% gain to 2,820.30 points thanks to an increase in shares of energy and TV.

Winners and losers on the New York Stock Exchange

Full swing performance performance

The performance rush got off to a good start, with 80.6% of S & P 500 companies outpacing expectations of the second quarter results.

Investors expect US GDP growth for the second quarter, to be released Friday. According to the Reuters news agency, an annual growth of 3.8% is expected.

Trump gives billion parachute

Shares in the construction and agriculture sector rose after Trump announced a bailout for companies that would worsen the ongoing trade war and escalation. The package is expected to hold nearly $ 100 billion in assistance to affected businesses.

See also: Trump raises the temperature: – The penalties are the best!
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