But because of this clause, nothing can change.
Google will now charge apps in the European Union to mobile phone manufacturers who do not sign off to use the default Google search engine and Chrome as the default browser. This according to The Verge. The changes will come into effect later this month.
Norway one of the most expensive countries
And there is not much of Google's wishes for their apps and Play Store, or "Google Mobile Services" as the product of the package really calls. 4o dollars will cost unity in the most expensive countries where Norway and the United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands are included.
Prices are also controlled by the high density of mobile phones, with a 500 PPI mobile phone that costs the most, while the one with between 400 and 500 PPIs, the price is 20 dollars. Less than 400 PPI? Then the price goes down to 10 dollars.
These are the EU requirements that make Netflix annoyed
Not Chrome? No advertising revenue
In other countries, the price is $ 2.50 and the tablets are $ 20 per unit, regardless of specification.
One note is that Google will not share ad revenue with companies that choose not to use Chrome and Google as the default program and service.
The edge
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