This method detects 30% more cancerous tumors than mammography


Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women and affects approximately 3,400 women in Norway each year. One in twelve Norwegian women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.

A study conducted at Lund University and Skåne University Hospital now shows that breast tumor synthesis analyzed in 3D revealed 34% more cancer patients than screening by mammography.

"It makes a big difference," said Sophia Zackarisson, associate professor at Lund University and radiologist at Skåne University Hospital in a press release.

Can show the breast in three dimensions

Nearly 15,000 women between 40 and 74 years old participated in the screening study conducted in the Skåne University Hospital during the period 2010-2015. The main goal of the researchers was to study the accuracy of the synthesis of breast tomography compared to traditional mammography.

In mammography, two images with different angles of each breast are taken. The tomosynthesis takes a series of sectional images while the radiograph moves in an arc around the chest. Enhanced, three-dimensional image material increases the chances that radiologists will detect tumors.

Think this can get more people to check

Today's mammogram is done with a clutch of the breasts. Thoracic tomosynthesis pinches much less, so it does not hurt so much. Many therefore like this method better.

"If breast tumor synthesis is used in the future, it could get more women to check," Zackarisson said.

She thinks that the new method will be available to patients, it only comes down to when and on what scale.

Need more information

Professor and researcher Solveig Hofvind participated in a study in 2013 that showed that tomosynthesis could detect about 30% more tumors in the breast than normal mammography.

Hofvind thinks that the new Swedish study confirms this theory, but that it does not respond to tomosynthesis is a better method of study.

"The study is not about what type of tumor it is." A disadvantage of this phenomenon may be the occurrence of a slow-growing breast cancer that would never have reached a size sufficient to become perceptible or at risk, which can lead to overdiagnosis, she explains to

She thinks it's too early to answer the question of how many harmless and dangerous tumors detected by the new method.

"The goal of screening is to detect tumors at an earlier stage than waiting for the woman to experience a fun or that she has symptoms." The disadvantage may be that tumors slower growth are detected.

– These can last a long time, but we do not know which tumors will remain slow-growing nor by whom, nor when the tumors can modify the growth pattern

The Haukeland University Cancer Registry and Breast Diagnostic Center are now collaborating on the research study "Digital Breast Tomosynthesis – The Breast Cancer Screening Method of Tomorrow". Hofvind believes that this study will provide the answers needed to determine whether the synthesis synthesis should be introduced here in the country.


Sophia Zackrisson et al .: Tomosynthesis of the breast at a glance versus dual-view mammography in the Malmö breast tomosynthesis screening test (MBTST): Prospective study on the accuracy of the diagnosis of the population, Lancet Oncology in line, 12 October 2018. Summary http: //dx.doi .org / 10.1016 / S1470-2045 (18) 30521-7

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