Thorvald Stoltenberg is not buried at the expense of the government


Thorvald Stoltenberg is not buried at the expense of the state.

The former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense died Friday, 87 years old.

– Thorvald Stoltenberg accomplished a great feat as a foreign minister and politician. The government will honor him with his crown and will be represented at the funeral, in accordance with the wishes of the family, informs the NTB

The burial at the expense of the state is an honorary award given to personalities eminent on their death. There are no rules of attribution, but in the context of politics, the rule is that it is usually given to former prime ministers and former parliamentary presidents. It is usually also given to ministers who die in their mail.

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Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) shouted Friday, the old ap Minister, father of the Secretary General of NATO and former Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg

– We remember him as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Peacekeeper, but above all as a hot person. He was an important voice in public word change until recently. Thanks to a long life, he made a big and important effort for Norway. I personally forgave Jens Stoltenberg and sent warm thoughts to another family, says Solberg.

Reactions: Stoltenberg is celebrated and commemorated as a warm person

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