– I thought the rest of the shovel should smoke, announces Annett Messel after the forest fire in Froland on Tuesday.
Messel is the landowner in the area where he burned. She tells him that she was very scared when firefighters told her to open the boom to her plot because of a forest fire.
– It's a bit special because it burned as much as it did before. You have palpitations when such a thing happens, she says.
Annett Messel fears the worst during Tuesday's forest fires in Froland.
In the beginning, Messel feared that the fire would be as massive as it was ten years ago.
– At first I thought it was as bad as it was for the first time. ten years ago, but it is very good to know that more houses, huts or forests disappear in this fire. "
The Fire Helicopter dropped water on Tuesday.
Photo: Andreas Tveit / NRK
The Fire Officer, Hans Henrik Bakke, was responsible for the Frolands fire extinguishing work in 2008. From where the fire brigade worked yesterday, you could see the Frolands' fire-hill area. at ten years old
– It is very special to work with a forest fire, where one can also see the area where the most modern forest fires in Norway have been ravaged. something about us who have already experienced this, he says.
Ten years after the great fire of the Frolands, you see clear traces of nature.
Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB scanpix
- READ: Wearing savvy tourists against the forest fire
Could be dramatic
– It's dry and not very green and cool Where it burned If this forest fire reaches it, there is a risk of escalation, said the fire department officer, Hans Henrik Bakke, at the NRK yesterday [19659002] After deploying large resources and helicopters, the fire department fired They spread to the highly exposed area where the Frolands fire raged ten years ago.
Hans Erik Bakke thought it was special to work with the fire of yesterday so close to the area where he was working to extinguish the great fire of Froland ten years ago
Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB scanpix
The fire was probably triggered by a lightning strike in the area and was observed for the first time by an air ambulance. In total, 90 yards of forest were cut, 90,000 square meters of fire
Bakke is aware that the fire could have been very difficult to stop if the air ambulance had not observed the evolution of smoke so early
This fire has become much bigger. He would have evolved and would have made the situation much more difficult for us, he explains
The worst fall of the summer in 71 years
Norway is in its worst in the summer tumble of 71 years . Always high temperatures and, until now, no precipitation have resulted in an increased risk of forest fire this summer.
Dry and hot weather should last at least the following week. A few showers help farmers fighting drought or dry forests.
The fire risk at Agder is so high that fire chiefs in Agder counties have withdrawn all exemptions given in logging operations.
The fire department was established at Flekevatn at Ytre Lauvrak in Froland on Tuesday.
Photo: Andreas Tveit / NRK
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