Thunderbolts caused more wildfires on Saturday night


Firefighters from Sarpsborg at West Agder estimate that they had 60 wildfires on Saturday, according to VG.

In Telemark, the fire department reported this afternoon that he was working on fighting 19 forest fires in the county. In total, there were 30 forest fires during the day, said Skien Fire Chief Guttorm Liebe in the newspaper.

– Lightning that crashes into the ground creates puffed and glowing fires within half a meter of the hill. Then they come a long time after. We will send a small plane Sunday to find and catch the fires that have not yet occurred, "said Liebe.

Three firefighters were Saturday night in the air to check all messages received. [19659002] 110 Centers in the East informs VG that they have had 14 big and small events with fire in the grass, woods and inland.The center covers the areas of Follo, Østfold and Romerike

In Rogaland, the fire department sent a message on a grass fire after a thunderbolt at Søylevågen in Sandnes, reports the 110th century on Twitter


Short notice Eighty-ten lightning fires.

– It was a bit heavy that we also reported flooding in an electrical cabinet. In the Mandal area, some had measured twelve millimeters of rainfall just on a According to the head of the defensive Harald Robersvik, 110th District of Agder, Drops are Important

Civil Defense has put more than 30 crew members in the service of a forest fire in Vindlandsheia. On Saturday, the wind was a major problem, causing the forest fire to return to places where it had already been extinguished.

A helicopter dropped central parts of the fire zone before returning to Kjevik. However, he is ready and will leave quickly and will take classes for Vindlandsheia as soon as additional aerial assistance will be needed

Several forest fires

On Saturday he also burns at Undredal at Aurlandsfjorden in Sogn og Fjordane, and at Lunde at Sirdal a fire again fired. The fire department of the municipality of Flesberg was assigned to two forest fires on Saturday evening

The Directorate of Civil Protection and Civil Protection (DSB) increased the forest fires one weekend and four helicopters are already ready. [ad_2]
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