Took with 500 passengers stranded because of the rain


Thursday afternoon, Dovrebanen was closed in Frya because of heavy rains. Thus, 500 passengers of the train were blocked. The rain also created problems on the E6

– There was a risk of mass jump and we had to close the road for safety reasons, reported a press officer to Bane Nor Harry Korslund at NRK [19659003]. In addition, a ditch under the runway was stretched. No trains had to pass before these problems were solved.

The 500 passengers were divided into three different trains, according to an NSB press officer, Liv Eggebø

– It's hard to say how long they have to wait. We have not received any predictions from Bane North as to when it can be opened and it is also a challenge to hit the road in this area, she said last night.

Bane Nor crews were in the afternoons and evenings on the spot and worked to resolve the situation, and after the travelers waited for four hours, NSB and Bane Nor found that they were not there. he was sure to open the road again for rail traffic.

NSB waiting for the railways to open buses to carry passengers on hold, but that did not help much. The road conditions on the E6 were so bad that they led to significant delays here as well. (© NTB)

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