Tor Erling staff are dead


The famous Supreme Court prosecutor and the member of the Social Democratic staff of Tor Erling died. He is 85 years old

Staff's son, Trygve Staff, announces to NRK that he has fallen asleep in Smestad's retirement home this afternoon

Tor Erling Staff grew up in St Hanshaugen in Oslo. Grosser's son underwent a legal examination in 1958 and was allowed to sue the Supreme Court in 1967. He was a permanent defender in the Oslo court from 1967 to 2003.

Tor Erling Staff leaves two sons of his marriage with Hilde Børresen. Aged 72, he entered into a partnership with a man during the summer of 2005.

The staff was recognized as one of Norway's most controversial lawyers. Few, if any, have challenged, despised and provoked good citizens more than Tor Erling Staff, writes NTB

Devil's Advocate

In several portrait interviews, he used the term "devil's advocate" on him- even. It was this help, the neo-Nazis, the pedophiles, the killers, the violinists and the pornographers.

– I took these cases because they needed a defender. They needed me! They were sentenced. And characterized by that. Those whom we despise and despise. Those that nobody understands and nobody will help. In front of them I had the opportunity to unfold. These are the most thankful things I've had, "said Tor Erling Staff, 81, in an interview with Aftenposten in 2014.

The article continues during the advertisement [19659002] Similarly, Secretary General of the Attorney Merete Smith

– He was a prominent and fake lawyer.He defended the weakest and most vulnerable in society, asserting unpopular affairs and defending clients that d & rsquo; Others might not defend, "Smith said. the time was about to establish and call the Staff a model.

– First and foremost, I would say that with the death of Tor Erling, a pattern for all defenders has disappeared. He always took the false party. Always went to the bride for their clients. He was never afraid of how he would be looked at by others, and in that respect he was a real advocate. It will be deeply missed, "said Dietrichson.

– In the war for his clients

– He had his field of work where the temperature of life is highest – in criminal justice.He was a defender and a man impossible to understand.He was the last of the leading defense lawyers to come back and renewed the role, "says the former editor of Dagbladet, John Arne Markussen, and refers to the other two – Olav Hestenes and Alf Nordhus.

– They were called famous lawyers because they brought personal journalistic breakthroughs and that they used the media as well. Tor Erling belonged to this generation of Active and committed advocates who have really gone to war for their clients.Torr Erling did not necessarily approve the lawsuit in court.He pleased to say that the actor was opposed, has created doubts and uncertainties and brought his own approaches and witnesses. He did not let himself dictate.

Markussen wrote the book "Staff, from the inside," published in 1985.

– He was the lawyer with all the bad sentences. He was really the devil's advocate. The staff was provocative, and many provoked and were very angry with him, said Markussen.

– I taught him to feel like a warm, sweet and interesting person with a deep social commitment and a passion for culture. He had imagination and was creative, says Markussen, adding:

– He was a strong narrator. He was inspired by the theater, and it was a pleasure to experience him as an examiner and attorney.


In the 90s, Tor Erling Staff was the head of the "Clear Answer" Per Ståle Salary Program. The two had already worked together on the NRK program "For the gallery", where Staff had his own sequence where he invited a guest to chat or question.

After the success of TV Norway, they went on television 2 – where they ran the "Salary and Staff" program together. The salary indicates that he has only good memories since the time when both did TV together.

But he remembers the Staff above all as a kind person.

– I think Norway has lost one of its best people. He could seem moral in every way, but he was a wonderful person that Norway really could not afford to lose. " – Because he took care of the excluded and beggars, those who slept in. He could have stood up with the elite, but he did not do it. He always left and gave money to those who sat on Karl Johan with a cardboard box and asked for a few dollars.Here Norway lost one of its best people.

– He was a good friend , which meant a lot to me.It was an important factor in the immediate success of the new debate program.Response clearly to TV Norway

– The task of life to go against the power

Dagbladet editor John Olav Egeland characterizes the staff as "almost always politically incorrect. "

– Tor Erling Staff did a life task to go against the tide, it was almost always politically incorrect, even when it was costing, so it's not a coincidence part of his clients were among the most disadvantaged, marginalized or despised, "said Egeland

– The staff generally went much longer than his advocacy role.He wanted to show that in all – even among sex offenders – there was humanity, the staff could be so steep and so consistent that their opinions became irrational and peculiar, and in many offensive eyes.But below was a true belief in the good in the And, most importantly, that someone should get up and target positions that would otherwise be killed, "he adds.


In public, the staff came up with a series of games that have provoked He opted for active help in dying, wanted to legalize drugs, introduced public brothels and wanted to abolish the sexual age.

In the defense of brothels, he recounted his own experiences as a horoscope. In the autobiography that he wrote with Håvard Rem in 2005, he once again shocked the time when, as a child, he was picked up in the streets of adult men. He started when he was 12 years old

– Definitely, I would be a victim. But I just think it was fine. In an interview with Dagbladet magazine in 2012, he was asked about taboos and how little he knew about it.

– What? Hell, be it! We are damn condemnation, we are! Sexuality is actually largely misplaced. There are so many rules and so sterile that we become completely nervous. Talk about bias! Violence and death are sometimes considered less dangerous than if you hold your child on your lap and feel something about it. I think we need to stop looking for harmful effects on everything. It's when we are in pain. But that's how society became. And those who have been the best drivers in what I call "the industry of the victims," ​​it is the women's movement. They conquered new areas again. This is seen from the side of the man. Men have long been defenseless. Wild hunting legally. Women are still on the road to "victims", said staff, among others

Established Defense Group

Amongst the defense lawyers in Norway, staff will be best remembered for forming what they say. the defense group is called. 19659002] The staff was one of the lawyers who, in the late 1970s, dismissed the Riksadvokaten and criticized the way in which he handled so-called business affairs.

The lawyers drafted a statement against the Attorney General. 1977. The Defense Group also criticized the Law Society and the way it handled the case. They supported the Attorney General.

Subsequently, the Law Society came out saying that they had been wrong. Today, the defense group is part of the Law Society

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