Total ban on outdoor burning


In the period from April 15 to September 15, there is a general ban on burning fire in Norway. It is then not possible to light a fire, a barbecue or a disposable barbecue in or near forests and other outlying areas. The total ban does not entitle you to grill or fire in or near the forest and to land, grill or light fires in the beach area. , grill on adapted and approved campfires, or burn garden waste, even on your own land. This can be delivered to the disposal of waste.

On the other hand, you can still grill in your own garden, but with care

Concern for wildfires

In a press release of Wednesday, July 18, Rogaland Fire and Rescue IKS, a ban on burning fires is introduced.

– The good weather has made it very dry in many areas of our region. Forest fires are currently high in several southern Rogaland municipalities and the index is increasing. Several fire and rescue services in southern Rogaland now impose a total ban on firefighting on Wednesday, July 18, 2018. The ban applies until the end of the day. 39, there is a significant precipitation

– In recent days, firefighters in southern Rogaland. When it is as dry as it is now, it will not work until it starts to burn. Many people think that they have control, but the fire in the dry grass spreads as quickly said.

The ban applies in 19 municipalities

Up to now, it is forbidden to make fire in the forests and land in the following municipalities: Stavanger, Sandnes, Klepp, Time , Gjesdal, Rennesøy, Randaberg, Sola, Kvitsøy, Finnøy, Hå, Strand and Forsand

In the municipalities of Lund, Sirdal, Sokndal, Eigersund, Bjerkreim, Hjelmeland, the ban is already applicable.

Important Causes of Forest Fires

Nine out of ten forest fires are caused by human activity. Negligent fire, such as fighting fires and barbecues, is the common cause, but the sparks of the railroad and the long way can lead to wildfires.

Can be approved in advance

– We note that the approval may grill when there is a security system around it, for example Gladmat, says the press release.

Learn more about drought in southern Norway:

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