Total guns of the Tour de France


It was expected that the paved step of today would have a huge impact on compilation lists, but already after eight kilometers shrinks one of the most big favorites combined

See the massacre at the top

a number of other runners and audience members. The 33-year-old was almost immediately declared out of the Tour with what might look like collapsible collisions.

– This is supertrick. He was very well prepared. He drove perfectly until now. It's crazy and sad Not only for him but for the whole team, says Thor Hushovd, bike expert at TV 2.

Accidental Bird
TV commentators 2 were wounded by Porte when he broke the Tour de France again. At the same time, they point out that Australians have their weaknesses in the field of cycling.

– The trend is a bit that it becomes an asparagus in the field of the championship. Before this stage, we talked about the ability of Porte to deal with cricket games, but in the fight, he is more or less desperate, said Christian Paasche

– He may have something to do . like 21 years old. From the age of 18, he ran with thriatlon. There is something to grow in the camp of position, Johan Kaggestad is following up

– He was to arrive
Gate has been described for a number of years as a bird of 39 years. ;accident. Last year, he had to break the Tour de France after the fall of the 9th stage. Australians have earlier
been embarrassed by the disease and other minor traits in pursuit of victory in the Tour.

– I told you earlier in Toruen that it's just the time before it's accidentally involved. There are also the same runners who are unlucky. They are sitting with high shoulders and are more nervous about driving, said Hushovd.

Door was well placed at the crossroads of a 10th place, and was in contact with the tide before the riders did not settle in the mountains on Tuesday. – I suffer with him, he is an exceptionally friendly rider. He's good enough to hang out, said Kaggestad.

Movistar rider José Joaquin Rojas was involved in the same field and also had to break the Tour.

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