Tour-rider in haste hastily-disappeared on automatic protection


In the descent of Portet Pass of Aspet, Philip Gilbert disappears from the roadway and strikes the guard of the self

He ends the leg with a painful knee and bleeding wounds, receives the Most offensive rider's prize, but

Terrible images shocked Thor Hushovd, TV 2 bike expert

– Of course, it does not look good. But what we can say, is that when he stops at this edge of the wall, the worst thing is the shot in this wall. So we hope that there is not too much stone on the other side.

  Here, Gilbert realized that he had to break
Here, Gilbert realized that he had to break up.

After a few minutes, we saw pictures of Gilbert sitting next to him. from the road while he was helped by rittlegen. Shortly after, he sat back on the bike and continued.

– It was good to see that I was terrified here, Hushovd said when he saw that Gilbert was on his feet again.

on camera, to report that it went well.

  Gilbert's left leg was bandaged and sprinkled with blood after the scene. Nevertheless, he received the most aggressive rider award before it broke.
Gilbert's left leg was bandaged and sprinkled with blood after the scene. Nevertheless, he received the award from the most aggressive runner before he broke. Photo: Benoit Tessier

– He has two boys at home who are following very well and it is clear that when they sit down to accompany their father, they jump into the living room to see such a boost, has Hushovd said. Gilbert's photos along the road also showed Danish team sports director Brian Holm, who had apparently jumped off the railroad and traveled to Belgium to help him [19659002] – Without them, I was still there
Brian Holm told TV 2 that Gilbert misjudged the swing.

But despite the horror, the Belgians have completed the stage. For this effort, he has been awarded the Most Offensive Driver Award of today.

– I'm glad to be here, it was a scary accident. I am fighting to finish the stage because I am very hurt. The damage to my knee is pretty serious, I have a bad hole and it's pretty deep, Gilbert told TV 2.

– Until where were where did you wave your hand?

– Four meters maybe, I landed on the back of some stones. When I opened my eyes and saw the rocks around me, I thought I was upset and together. I would not travel, there were yellow people from Mavic, and it was almost impossible
get up. Then I just had to climb again. I must say thank you to everyone who helped me without them I was always there.

Memories Fabio Casartelli
On the same track as that of Philippe Gilbert, it was much worse in 1995. [19659002] Fabio Casartelli badly beaten from the Col de Portet- of Aspe on the 15th stage of the Tour de France in 1995. The Motorola driver was bumped his head by the roadside and life was not going to save

He erected a memorial for the rider who won the Olympic gold in Barcelona in 1992. Each year, Casartelli's parents and fanclubs go to the Col de Portet d'Aspe to commemorate the late rider.

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